Great Deal of Effort to become Real Gold !!
What Effort-> Pilgrimage of Remember that Supreme Father
Signs of Good /True/Topknot Effort Makers
Follow Shrimat at every step-> claim a high status
Need Good Manners, Imbibe Divine Virtues
Supreme Soul-> Supreme Teacher/Father/Satguru-> Rest Lovers
Meaning of Om Shanti
Knowledge vs Devotion
Imperishable/Limitless/Auspicious/Most Elevated/Highest of High/ Truly Beloved (loved by all)/Worthy of Worship/Incorporeal/Ocean of Happiness/Peace/Bliss/Purity/Knowledge/Power/Love // Purifier// Satopradhan--> Eg: We are clouds ->fill->shower on others, Eg: Gangas
Drama-> Godly students->Aim and Objective--Deity (wth divine virtues)
If actors don’t know the beginning, middle or end of their drama, they are called senseless! --> Become Sensible Diamonds ->Beware Raavan make worthless as shells
World Almighty Authority->Salvation, Purify the Impure
Stages-> Sato,Tamo,Rajo
Knowledge full -> Cycle, land of happiness(Golden Age)/peace(Brahm Element/Brahmand)/truth/Honest(golden age)
Soul->play part,shed body,take another
Accurate Meaning -> Need to make them understand for eg: hum so,so hum
Greatest Enemy->Maya (duality->Dictates of Devilish Ravan->5vices) false/Body False/ World False -> eg: pinch of salt in a sack of flour
Remember (visions)-> God to Children,Children to God --> like lover and beloved (seen->remember by intellect)
After cries of distress-> cries of victory
Now Found, Numberwise,acc to efforts,love,rememberance
Fashion/Compulsion Wear Glasses ->Vision See Specialities->Let nothing else be visible ->Relationship/Connection-> World Tansformer
See Lotus-> Become Instrument->special task world transformation
Constantly Stay away from dust of seeing /thinking/looking others -> valuable,flawless diamond